Scottish Tattoo 2003
- Moira Kerr

Moira Kerr

Popular Scottish singer/song writer Moira Kerr had two roles at the Scottish Tattoo this year. Firstly, she introduced a number of the acts in the second half of the show and - more imprtantly - entertained the audience with her unique brand of traditional and contemporary music. Her first song was aptly one of her own compositions - "MacIaian of Glencoe". Moira also showed her sense of humour with a number of humorous anecdotes and, in Glasgow, there was a great reception for her rendering of "The Jeely Piece Song" - about the problems of throwing sandwiches to kids from the nineteenth floor of an apartment block! Moira has produced quite a number of CDs and she provides the songs for the video of the BBC series "Where Eagles Fly". You can find out more about Moira and order her CDs and video via the Mayker Music Web site.

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