Tam's Tall Tales

- Solution to Flannan Islands Lighthouse Mystery?

Flannan Isles Lighthouse and St Flannan's Cell © JJM via Wikimedia Commons

Author offers Solution to Flannan Islands Lighthouse Mystery

Just four days before Christmas 1900 three lighthouse keepers seemingly vanished into thin air on the remote Flannan Isles

No clues were left and a variety of theories have brought in the possibility of aliens, large birds or extraterrestrials being the culprits, but naturalist John Love, who has researched the case for 20 years, comes up with something far more plausible in his book - A Natural History Of Lighthouses.

He thinks that the men were out checking on equipment during a storm and were swept away by a giant wave.

The Flannan Isles are located 20 miles west of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides.

Picture of Flannan Lighthouse at night © Charles Tait

For more on the Flannan Isles lighthouse see Lighthouse Beacons from Scotland - Flannan Isles Lighthouse.

Please give me whatever feedback comes to mind via tamfromrampant@gmail.com.

Tam O'Ranter
May 2014

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