Traditional Scottish Songs
- The Tartan Rover
The fame of the "Tartan Army" of Scottish football supporters has spread all round the world, and rightly so. The are some of the best ambassadors for Scotland we have. Win or lose (we usually lose, let's face it) their good noisy humour and support of local economies with the prodigious consumption of alcohol has made them friends all over the world. Here is a song by Alasdair Maciver which sings their praises.
The Tartan Rover
We've travelled with Scotland for many a year,
And the memories and journeys we'll always hold dear.
And now we are ready to travel once more,
And we'll all have a party - whatever the score!Chorus:
And it's planes, trains and taxis,
We'll be there on the day
To watch Bonnie Scotland,
Wherever they play.You'll see us arriving in twos, threes or fours,
At the airports, train stations, hotels and harbours.
hen it's off to the main square, the fountains, the bars,
We don't even check in 'til we've had twenty jars.Chorus
We take over the town, but the locals don't care,
'Cos they're all asking questions about underwear!
Is it true what they say? Gie's a flash o' yer bum!
Then they're wantin' to tak ye awa hame tae meet mum...Chorus
Now the English don't like it, they don't understand.
They think our good humour's a bit underhand.
But the truth is we just like a beer and a song -
With a smile and a handshake you'll no' go far wrong.Chorus
Oh yes it's the life o' a traveller for me,
I'll follow Bonnie Scotland 'til I'm eighty-three.
We may seldom win, here's one to confuse -
No matter the score, we know we'll never lose!Chorus (Twice)
Meaning of unusual words:
Gie's a flash o' yer bum!=give us a qick sight of your posterior!
Where else would you like to go in Scotland?