Traditional Scottish Songs
- See the Winter Clouds Around

This song by Mrs Agnes Lyon (1762-1840) will appeal to all those who supply food to garden birds, particularly in the winter time. In between rearing her ten children, Mrs Lyon produced four books of poetry and lyrics, often on domestic subjects. She was an acquaintance of Neil Gow, the the celebrated violinist, and composed, at his request, the words to his popular tune "Farewell to Whisky".

See the Winter Clouds Around

See the winter clouds around;
   See the leaves lie on the ground;
Pretty little Robin comes,
   Seeking for his daily crumbs!
In the window near the tree,
   Little Robin you may see;
There his slender board is fix'd,
   There his crumbs are bruised and mix'd.

View his taper limbs, how neat!
   And his eyes like beads of jet;
See his pretty feathers shine!
   Little Robin haste and dine.
When sweet Robin leaves the space,
   Other birds will fill his place;
See the Tit-mouse, pretty thing!
   See the Sparrow's sombre wing!

Great and grand disputes arise,
   For the crumbs of largest size,
Which the bravest and the best
   Bear triumphant to their nest.
What a pleasure thus to feed
   Hungry mouths in time of need!
For whether it be men or birds,
   Crumbs are better far than words.

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