Scottish Place Names
- Townsville, Queensland, Australia

Of the names of the 60 suburbs in the Townsville-Thuringoa area, 13 (21.7%) can be found in Scotland. Some of the names are used in other parts of the British Isles as well, but most of them (15.0%) are unique to Scotland, are based on Scottish family names or are readily identifiable with places in Scotland that are based on the same names.

There are 13 metropolitan areas in Australia with a population of 125,000 or more. Of these, Townsville appears to have the second highest proportion of suburban names with Scottish connections, slightly behind Canberra and a little ahead of Hobart and Melbourne. The role that Scotsmen played in establishing and developing this tropical city in northern Queensland is further attested by the names of several main roads, both in the city centre and in the suburbs. Examples include Angus Smith Drive, Dalrymple Road, Glendale Drive, Hamilton Street, Macarthur Drive, McIlwraith Street, Murray Street, Ross River Road, Stuart Drive and Sturt Street.

Official suburbs and other localities with names that occur only in Scotland and not elsewhere in the British Isles, and/or are definitely, or most probably, of Scottish origin are:

Other suburbs with names that can be found in Scotland but that are not unique to Scotland are:


© Ian Kendall
Melbourne, Australia, August 2005

If you wish to contact Ian about his research, his e-mail address is

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